Biz to Biz Sponsorship

Please take a moment and ask yourself, as a business owner whose responsibility is it to make sure my business grows? Although there are many traditional forms of advertising, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television , flyers , coupons and mailings, just to name a few. They are all very expensive with no guarantee of results. Hit and miss. We’ve all experienced losses when it’s come to advertising.. The chairman of Coke-A-Cola said last year they spent over $2 BILLION advertising their products, he also said a billion of it didn’t work, and wished he knew which billion. We pride ourselves on introducing a quality client (i.e. a union employee, government worker or military personnel) to outstanding service providers such as attorneys, doctors, dentists, chiropractors, financial planners, insurance agents, mortgage companies, and realtors just to name a few.

As a business owner, have you ever thought about promoting your products or services to the owners and employees of local businesses on a county wide, regional or state level? Only Certified Surgeons believes strongly in promoting business to business relationships in local towns, counties and regions to instill the belief that “The American Dream” is still very much alive and well. We support these beliefs by offering you, the business owner an invitation into an exclusive business to business sponsorship program. We will market your business to hundreds, even thousands of other business owners and their employees on a county, region, state or national level. Sponsorship programs are “EXCLUSIVE” programs on county, region, state and national levels. Space is extremely limited; only ONE company from each category will be awarded these Sponsorship programs.


Director of Marketing